Applying nature-based solutions for toxic flooding

Resilience for the Gulf Coast

Climate change increases the likelihood of floods causing health-harming chemical releases at petrochemical manufacturing and storage sites. New research from Environmental Defense Fund, Texas A&M University and Galveston Bay Foundation improves understanding of this toxic flooding vulnerability and proposes nature-based solutions to protect people and ecosystems.

What are nature-based solutions?

Our approach fills a data gap at the intersection of increased flooding and chemical exposure.

How can we use nature to build more resilient communities in the Gulf?

We developed a master plan for both Galena Park and Texas City as examples of how nature based solutions could mitigate flooding.

Nature-based solutions, also known as natural and nature-based features (NBF), green, or natural infrastructure solutions, reduce flooding by:

  • Sequestering stormwater, slowing surface runoff, encouraging infiltration
  • Slowing inland water transfer of storm surge or overbank flows;
  • Reducing wave force and height;
    Combating erosion;
  • Blocking damaging storm debris;
  • Filtering contaminants associated with runoff or floodwaters

Vulnerability research findings

Explore the tools from the project

Map for planners, engineers, policy makers and concerned community members to understand vulnerability to toxic flooding and other environmental, health, social and economic factors.

Guide for community leaders and facility risk managers to identify nature-based solutions that can mitigate toxic flooding and provide health, social and economic co-benefits.

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